Pres. Jackson releases statement on Jay explosion

AUGUSTA – In response to the explosion at a paper mill in Jay, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, released the following statement:

“Today, the entire state stands in solidarity with the community of Jay, the workers of the Androscoggin Paper Mill and their loved ones, as we anxiously await news about the Mainers working near the explosion and pray for their safety and well-being. Emergency and public safety personnel are currently responding to the explosion, and we are learning more information every minute. 

“The video of the explosion is simply staggering. As many of us look on in shock, our first responders and emergency personnel have already dropped everything to run toward the explosion and save lives. It’s nothing short of heroic. Thank you to Maine first responders who are always there when we need you most. We are extraordinarily grateful for your service.

“To the 500 mill workers, who showed up to work today expecting it to be an ordinary day, I know that this is devastating and that the next few hours, days and weeks won’t be easy. But I want you to know that we will have your back. It’s hardworking men and women like you who have powered our economy for generations and continue to do so today, even in the middle of a pandemic. You represent the best of us, and we won’t forget that.”

Androscoggin Mill employs more than 500 Mainers. First responders and emergency personnel are still responding to the scene. More information to come.
