Pres. Jackson appoints Carpenter to Gov. Mills’ Economic Recovery Commission

AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, appointed Sen. Mike Carpenter, D-Houlton, to serve on an Economic Recovery Committee put together by Gov. Janet T. Mills. 


“As we look to reopen and rebuild our economy, we need to make sure that small businesses, heritage industries and rural Maine don’t get left behind or left out of the conversation,” said Pres. Jackson. “Sen. Carpenter not only runs a small business that relies heavily on tourism, but he also represents a district with deep ties to agricultural and other natural resources industries. He will serve rural Maine well on this committee.”


The Economic Recovery Committee, which the Governor established by Executive Order today, will gather input from experts and industry representatives on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Maine’s economy and offer specific policy recommendations to mitigate those impacts. Those recommendations should address essential issues such as: 


  1. Strengthening Maine’s key industries and small businesses;
  2. Strengthening workforce development; 
  3. Improving opportunities for lower-and middle-income families; 
  4. Expanding economic opportunities for rural communities;
  5. Attracting new investments and innovations in key sectors such as business, communication, health care, recreation and education. 


“As a small business owner, I know what many folks in my position are going through, trying to keep their doors open. At the same time, I’ve heard from people all over my district worried that the heritage industries that power Aroostook County won’t get the same relief as other industries,” said Sen. Carpenter. “To restart and grow our economy, Maine needs a long term plan – one that works for the entire state. I look forward to getting folks around the table and bringing some old-fashion Aroostook County commonsense to our approach to rebuilding Maine’s economy.”


The Committee will convene its first meeting as soon as practicable and deliver a preliminary report no later than July 15, 2020, and a final report by December 1, 2020. The Committee may also form subcommittees at the discretion of the co-chairs. All meetings of the Committee and any subcommittees will be conducted virtually in a manner accessible to the public with advance online notice. To allow for public input, the Committee will create a portal to receive public comments.
