President Jackson earns perfect score for voting record on education

AUGUSTA — Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, earned a perfect score from Maine Education Association for his voting record on legislation to support students, teachers, and families. He was one of 19 senators to earn a 100 percent voting record for votes taken in 2022. 

“From an early age, I saw not only the commitment it takes to become a teacher, but the persistent dedication it takes to ensure students can graduate and become successful adults. I witnessed my mother working hard to earn her teaching degree, and once she started teaching, I saw the immediate impact of her work on her students — and I saw the challenges she faced,” said President Jackson. “I’ve worked hard in Augusta to better support our teachers and schools. If we want Maine students to get the best education possible, we need to ensure teachers have the resources and support necessary to help our kids thrive.”

As the son of a public school teacher, President Jackson has proven to be a fierce advocate for education in the Maine Legislature, supporting teachers, students, parents and schools. This year, he voted to continue funding free, universal school meals, fully fund education at 55 percent, invest in career and technical education, and provide two years of free community college for Maine high school graduates from the graduating classes of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. 

President Jackson also cosponsored a new law to ensure the administrators, teachers and education technicians working in Maine’s unorganized territories are paid fairly compared to their colleagues in other parts of the state. Other highlights include establishing the Education Rainy Day Fund. This will alleviate property tax burdens and guarantee that Maine can meet its obligation to fund schools at 55 percent as mandated by voters in 2004.

MEA represents 24,000 Maine teachers and advocates for policies and investments that ensure that educators’ voices, values and priorities are heard and respected both in the workplace and at the State House. Scorecards for all legislators can be seen here. 
