Governor signs Jackson bill to improve transparency in prescription coverage
AUGUSTA – A bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, that seeks to improve transparency in prescription drug coverage, was signed into law by Governor Janet T. Mills last week. The new law – LD 2114, Resolve, Directing the Superintendent of Insurance to Collect Data from Health Insurers Related to Prescription Drug Coverage of Generic Drugs […]
Governor signs Jackson bill to improve access to opioid alternatives
AUGUSTA – A bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, that seeks to improve patient access to new non-opioid pain relievers, was signed into law by Governor Janet T. Mills on Monday. The new law – LD 2096, “An Act to Ensure Access to Nonopioid, Nonnarcotic Medication for Acute Pain Relief” – will require state-regulated health insurance […]
President Jackson criticizes USPS decision to move some Hampden mail processing operations to Scarborough
AUGUSTA – Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, released the following statement in response to the decision by the U.S. Postal Service to move some of the processing operations from Hampden to the Southern Maine Processing and Distribution Center in Scarborough: “The decision by the USPS to move some of the mail processing operations from Hampden […]
Jackson bill to protect patients from predatory medical credit card practices clears Senate with bipartisan support
AUGUSTA – A bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to better protect patients from predatory medical credit card practices cleared the Maine Senate with bipartisan support this morning. The vote was 24-10. “When it comes to health care, there’s a lot on the line. Patients shouldn’t have to worry about being taken advantage of by […]
Buy American and Build Maine Act clears the Senate on initial votes
AUGUSTA – Today, the Maine Senate approved legislation from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to establish the Buy American and Build Maine Act in a vote of 22-12. LD 1983, “An Act to Establish the Maine Buy American and Build Maine Act” would give preference to Maine-based businesses, workers and American manufacturing when the state awards procurement […]
Maine Senate calls on VA to acknowledge exposure to harmful chemicals at Gagetown, provide care for affected National Guard members
AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, the Maine Senate unanimously approved a Joint Resolution to petition the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to acknowledge and provide benefits to members of the Maine National Guard exposed to harmful chemicals at the Canadian military support base in Gagetown, New Brunswick. The Joint Resolution, sponsored by Sen. Craig Hickman, D-Winthrop, is […]
Senate gives initial approval to bill creating a law enforcement stakeholder group
The bill from Senate President Troy Jackson seeks to address recruitment and retention challenges in law enforcement AUGUSTA — Today, the Maine Senate unanimously approved a bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, that would create a law enforcement stakeholder group to address recruitment and retention challenges. LD 2094, Resolve to require the establishment of a stakeholder […]
Committee unanimously endorses bill championed by Jackson to implement Gagetown recommendations, reestablish harmful chemical study commission
AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, members of the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs unanimously voted in favor of a bill to implement the recommendations from the Gagetown Harmful Chemical Studies Commission which was chaired by Senate President Jackson, D-Allagash, immediately following the public hearing. The bill – LD 2274, “An Act to Implement the […]
Senate to vote on Jackson bill targeting predatory medical credit card practices
AUGUSTA – On Tuesday, the Legislature’s Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee reconsidered legislation from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to better protect patients from predatory medical credit card practices. The final vote was 6-7, with a narrow minority recommending the passage of the amended legislation. “When it comes to health care, there’s a […]
President Jackson’s bill to fund Maine Veterans’ Homes clears Senate on initial vote
AUGUSTA – Last Wednesday, the Maine Senate unanimously approved legislation from Senate President Troy Jackson that would improve funding for Maine Veterans’ Homes. LD 2217, “Resolve, to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Amend Its MaineCare Reimbursement Rules to Provide Reimbursement to Veterans’ Facilities on a Per Resident Basis” would increase funding for Maine Veterans’ […]