Maine Senate calls on VA to acknowledge exposure to harmful chemicals at Gagetown, provide care for affected National Guard members 

The Senate chamber viewed from above

AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, the Maine Senate unanimously approved a Joint Resolution to petition the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to acknowledge and provide benefits to members of the Maine National Guard exposed to harmful chemicals at the Canadian military support base in Gagetown, New Brunswick. The Joint Resolution, sponsored by Sen. Craig Hickman, D-Winthrop, is […]

Committee unanimously endorses bill championed by Jackson to implement Gagetown recommendations, reestablish harmful chemical study commission

Troy testifies in front of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee

AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, members of the Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs unanimously voted in favor of a bill to implement the recommendations from the Gagetown Harmful Chemical Studies Commission which was chaired by Senate President Jackson, D-Allagash, immediately following the public hearing. The bill – LD 2274, “An Act to Implement the […]

President Jackson’s bill to fund Maine Veterans’ Homes clears Senate on initial vote

AUGUSTA – Last Wednesday, the Maine Senate unanimously approved legislation from Senate President Troy Jackson that would improve funding for Maine Veterans’ Homes. LD 2217, “Resolve, to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Amend Its MaineCare Reimbursement Rules to Provide Reimbursement to Veterans’ Facilities on a Per Resident Basis” would increase funding for Maine Veterans’ […]

Jackson celebrates County residents inducted into the Maine Franco-American Hall of Fame

AUGUSTA — Today, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, celebrated the induction of two Aroostook County residents into the State of Maine Franco-American Hall of Fame. Honorees included Dr. Fern Desjardins of St. Agatha and Cathie Pelletier of Allagash.  “I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Fern Desjardins of St. Agatha and Cathie Pelletier […]

Legislature sends bill to improve access treatment programs to the Governor’s desk

Troy signs legislation in his office

The measure is part of an ongoing effort to establish a treatment and recovery court in Aroostook County AUGUSTA – On Thursday, Feb. 28, the Maine Senate sent an amended proposal from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, that would improve access to treatment and recovery programs available through the courts, to the Governor’s desk. The […]

Committee unanimously approves Jackson bill to fund the Maine Veterans’ Homes

AUGUSTA – A bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to provide funding to the Maine Veterans’ Homes in the midst of a growing financial crisis faced by the organization was unanimously approved by the Legislature’s Veteran and Legal Affairs Committee last week immediately following the public hearing. The bill – LD 2217, “An Act to Strengthen Maine Veterans’ Homes […]

Gagetown Commission urges VA to support guardsmen harmed by chemical exposure, calls for additional environmental and health studies

The group of lawmakers, former servicemembers and stakeholders also recommended that the Legislature re-establish the study commission to continue this important work.  AUGUSTA – On Thursday, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, and Rep. Ron Russell, D-Verona Island, presented the final report from the Gagetown Harmful Chemical Study Commission to the Legislature’s Veterans and Legal Affairs […]