Maine’s leadership on prescription drugs spurs federal action

AUGUSTA — Following the passage of a new Maine law, sponsored by Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to lower the cost of prescription drugs by developing a wholesale prescription drug importation program with Canada, the federal government announced that it would adopt rules that would allow states to implement wholesale importation programs. Other states that have passed similar laws include Vermont, Florida and Colorado.


In response to the federal government’s announcement, Pres. Jackson released the following statement:


“Once again, Maine’s leadership is getting national results. After passing legislation to create a wholesale importation program here in Maine, it seems like the federal government is finally catching on. I’m glad to see the Food and Drug Administration taking concrete steps to allow states to import safe and affordable medicine.


“Looking across the St. John River,, I know that people across the Canadian border aren’t worried about how they are going to pay for their prescription drugs. Mainers deserve to experience that same relief.


“The only way we are going to shake up the pharmaceutical industry and lower the cost of prescription drugs for everyday people is if states to take the lead and put pressure on the federal government. In Maine, we took on ‘Big Pharma’ and won. Other states can and should do the same.”



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