President Jackson lauds ACA ruling from the Supreme Court

AUGUSTA – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act in a 7-2 decision today. This decision ensures that millions of Americans can continue to rely on the Affordable Care Act for quality, affordable health insurance. 
Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, released the following statement lauding the Supreme Court’s decisions:
“Today, millions of Americans and thousands of Maine families are breathing a huge sigh of relief, knowing that the health insurance they rely on to go to the doctor when they are sick or injured will continue to be there when they need it most. The reality is that access to quality affordable health care coverage is about our fundamental freedoms as Americans. For most folks, it’s the difference between getting care or putting their health at risk, and I know because I’ve been in that position myself. I applaud the U.S. Supreme Court for upholding our freedom to lead healthy and productive lives. 
“The COVID-19 pandemic has put our health care system into perspective. Health care coverage is vital to the health and well-being of Maine families, communities, and our entire state. After a tumultuous year of tragedy and hardship, the last thing Mainers need is more uncertainty, especially regarding health care.
“Make no mistake — our work on health care is not over. Too many families across this state and country cannot afford their life-saving medication with or without health insurance. The situation has only gotten worse. People are tired of waiting for Congressional action. Instead, states have had to step up despite their limited powers. In Maine, we are on track to send the Making Health Care Work for Maine package to the governor’s desk, which includes two first-in-the-nation prescription drug reform bills. I hope that if enough states act, Congress will eventually follow our lead.”

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