Presiding Officers condemn violence in Bowdoin, Yarmouth

AUGUSTA — On Wednesday, Maine State Police released an update on the investigation into the violence that took place in Bowdoin and Yarmouth that left four Mainers dead and three injured. The Presiding Officers issued the following statement in response:


“Our state remains sick with grief over the senseless tragedy that claimed the lives of four Mainers and injured three others. Maine is a state where we know our neighbors and take care of one another. This grotesque act of violence has devastated the town of Bowdoin and left communities around our state reeling in pain and anguish. Our deepest condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives and the communities they left behind. 


“Thank you to the members of law enforcement who answered the call and took decisive action to restore the safety of our communities in a deeply volatile situation. As we look for answers, it’s clear that more information will be available in the coming days as law enforcement conducts a thorough investigation. In the meantime, please join us in keeping the families, friends and loved ones of those who were lost in our hearts. Please say a prayer for the young woman in critical care and keep her family in your thoughts. And please, let’s do what Mainers do best and take care of each other.”
