AUGUSTA– Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, presented LD 1871, “An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Invest in a Green Energy Materials Building at the University of Maine,” to the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. The bill would provide funding to the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center, known as ASCC, to develop technology for the mass production of 3-D printed homes.
“As a legislator, I hear all the time about the housing crisis in our state. From Kittery to Fort Kent, folks are struggling to find affordable, quality housing. Making a strategic investment in ASCC is a critical step in solving this problem,” said Pres. Jackson. “In the process of constructing this facility and bringing more affordable housing stock into the market, we will expand the profile of what is already the largest university-based research center in Maine. By passing this bill, we can attract more world-class talent to the University of Maine and train the next generation of leaders in this field.”
ASCC is an interdisciplinary center for research, education, and economic development encompassing material sciences, advanced manufacturing, and engineering of composites and structures. The ASCC provides workforce training to University of Maine students while developing technology focused on creating solutions to challenges facing Maine.
“We are grateful to President Jackson, who was so inspired by a recent visit to ASCC, forchampioning this and other important investments in Maine’s public universities,” said Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation for the University of Maine System. “Maine’s greatest growth potential lies at the intersection of global trends and thestate’s assets. Through talent development and research-driven innovation enabled by yoursupport of modern public university infrastructure, UMS uniquely activates those assets formaximum return so that Maine’s people and economy can prosper.”
The bill faces additional work sessions in committee.