Jackson celebrates anniversary of ACA

As we celebrate the ACA, state and federal lawmakers must double-down on efforts to ensure that working families and older Mainers can get the quality, affordable health care they deserve. That means standing up to ‘Big Pharma’ on prescription drug prices, reining in health care costs and fighting back against efforts to erode health care coverage through the sale of sham insurance plans and discrimination against preexisting conditions. After 12 years of the ACA, we can’t afford to go backward. Mainers and Americans deserve better.
President Jackson lauds ACA ruling from the Supreme Court

AUGUSTA – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act in a 7-2 decision today. This decision ensures that millions of Americans can continue to rely on the Affordable Care Act for quality, affordable health insurance. Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, released the following statement lauding the Supreme Court’s decisions: “Today, millions of Americans and […]
Pres. Jackson releases statement as Supreme Court takes up ACA case

Right now, the United States is grappling with an unprecedented public health crisis that has left more than 200,000 Americans dead, left thousands with preexisting conditions and possible future health complications, left our economy struggling and left millions without jobs. The stakes couldn’t be higher. It’s why the ongoing effort to take health care away from millions of Americans and thousands of Mainers is so unbelievably cruel.
Mills, Jackson & Gideon Announce Bill to Improve Health Insurance for Maine People and Small Businesses

Augusta, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills, Senate President Troy Jackson, and Speaker of the House Sara Gideon today announced legislation to improve private health insurance for Maine people and small businesses. LD 2007, The Made for Maine Health Coverage Act, would make some of the most common medical visits free or less costly, simplify shopping […]
Pres. Jackson condemns court ruling against the Affordable Care Act

AUGUSTA – In response to the latest ruling on the Affordable Care Act from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, Senate President Troy Jackson, D–Allagash, released the following statement: “Yesterday’s ruling is the latest in a series of attacks on the Affordable Care Act, which thousands of people all across this country […]
Jackson patient protection bill receives bipartisan support in committee
AUGUSTA—The Legislature’s Committee Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services overwhelmingly endorsed a patient protection bill sponsored by President Troy Jackson, Speaker Sara Gideon and backed by Gov. Janet Mills, in a vote of 10-3 on Thursday. The bill, LD 1, “An Act to Protect Health Care for Maine Families,” would require insurance companies to include basic patient […]
Mills, Jackson, Gideon announce support of patient protection bill
Augusta, MAINE — At a public hearing on Tuesday, a representative of Governor Mills, President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash and Speaker Sara Gideon, D-Freeport, testified in support of LD 1, “An Act to Protect Health Care Coverage for Maine Families.” The bill, sponsored by President Jackson and Speaker Gideon, would require insurance companies to include basic patient protections in […]
Jackson, Mills and Gideon announce first bill will protect health care coverage
Augusta– On Monday, Governor-elect Janet Mills, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, and House Speaker Sara Gideon, D-Freeport announced the first bill of the 129th Legislature: LD 1, “An Act to Protect Health Care Coverage for Maine families.” The bill, introduced by President Jackson, seeks to require insurance companies to include basic patient protections in health care […]
President Jackson releases statement on ACA ruling
AUGUSTA—Senate President Troy Jackson of Allagash released the following statement in response to the latest ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act out of Texas: “Health care is a basic human right. And the latest ruling out of Texas is just another attack – in a long string of attacks – on the […]