Maine Senate enacts Jackson bill to support the employment of EMTs at rural hospitals

AUGUSTA — The Maine Senate unanimously enacted legislation from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to support rural hospitals by facilitating the hiring of emergency technicians on Tuesday. LD 2025, “An Act To Authorize Emergency Medical Services Personnel To Provide Treatment within Their Scope of Practice in a Hospital Setting with the Permission of the […]
Jackson proposal to fund rural hospitals becomes law
AUGUSTA—A proposal from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to fund rural hospitals and ambulance services was signed into law by Gov. Janet Mills on Tuesday. Legislation from Sen. Jay McCreight, D-Harpswell, was amended to fund initiatives in LD 915, “An Act To Provide Adequate Reimbursement under MaineCare for Ambulance and Neonatal Transport Services” and LD 1350, “An Act To Improve […]
HHS committee endorses Jackson rural hospital bill
SEN. TROY JACKSON, D-ALLAGASH. AUGUSTA—The Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee endorsed a bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to support rural hospitals on Friday. The vote was unanimous of the members present. “It’s simple – all Mainers deserve access to health care no matter where they live,” said President Jackson. “This bill ensures […]