Bill inspired by First Mile Brewing in Fort Kent becomes law

AUGUSTA – A bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, and Sen. Louie Luchini, D-Ellsworth, to support small businesses in the food and beverage industry was signed into law by Gov. Janet T. Mills on Wednesday. LD 306, “An Act To Temporarily Waive Certain Requirements for Relicensing for Restaurants That Serve Liquor” makes it easier for restaurants […]

Pres. Jackson’s bill, inspired by First Mile Brewing, clears committee

In Maine, this pandemic has proven what we already knew: Mainers are resilient people with a work ethic that is simply unmatched. All you have to do is take a look at how our small business owners have responded in the face of extraordinary challenges. So when First Mile Brewing reached out about this commonsense reform, I was thrilled to partner with them on a measure that could help restaurants and brewpubs all across the state.

President Jackson, Sen. Luchini introduce a suite of bills to support Maine’s restaurant industry

To me, this is a common-sense proposal that aims to support our breweries and restaurants, like First Mile Brewing in Fort Kent, who are finding creative ways to thrive and strengthen our economy as we begin to climb out of this pandemic. Whether you are from Fort Kent or Kittery, you know that Maine is a small business state. Our small business owners take pride in their Yankee ingenuity and innovation, even in the most trying conditions. I urge the committee to join me in supporting this measure and give our renowned food and beverage industry the flexibility they need to keep their doors open.”