Jackson, Golden, New England Logging Cooperative meet with U.S. Labor Secretary
For years, Maine loggers and wood-haulers have raised the alarm about the misuse of foreign labor by large landowners and trucking companies. It seems clear that this practice violates federal law by adversely affecting the wages, working conditions and job opportunities for folks trying to make a decent living in the Maine woods. The fact that Labor Secretary Walsh took the time to meet with us today and talk directly with those harmed by this injustice really means a lot.
Newly created logging cooperative forms agreement with major mill
AUGUSTA — The newly created New England Loggers Cooperative has entered into an agreement with Matériaux Blanchet Inc. (MBI), a major lumber mill in Quebec. Under the agreement, any lumber harvested from Maine forests will be cut and shipped by Maine loggers and haulers. The cooperative was able to form thanks to a bill from […]