Committee approves bill seeking approval for northern Maine transmission line

Connecting Aroostook County to the ISO-New England could be a game-changer for the region. Not only would it support quality, good-paying jobs, but it would also grow our supply of cheap, clean, renewable energy — energy that is desperately needed. I’m grateful to the bipartisan group of lawmakers on the Legislature’s Energy Committee who voted in favor of this proposal. It brings us one step closer to making the Northern Maine Transmission Line a reality.
Pres. Jackson lauds commitment from Massachusetts to help finance Northern Maine Transmission Line

Massachusetts’ commitment to provide financial support for the proposed Northern Maine Transmission Line marks a critical step in the right direction. All that’s left is for the Maine PUC to give final approval to the two projects so we can unleash the economic potential of Aroostook County and provide affordable and reliable homegrown renewable energy to the good people of Maine.