Jackson bill to safeguard the rights of workers earns initial approval

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the way our current laws fail Maine workers from seeking justice in the face of human rights or labor violations in the workplace. Part of the problem is that workers often unknowingly sign their rights to legal recourse away at the start of a new job. The other challenge is that the Attorney General and Department of Labor lack the resources to take up legitimate cases. As a state, we can and must do better. Mainers deserve justice. If the state is unable to take the case, workers deserve somewhere else to turn. These bills would allow folks to access the resources they need in the wake of injustice.
Committee approves Jackson bill to protect workers’ rights
AUGUSTA — The Legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee approved a bill from Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to protect the rights of Maine workers to speak out and take action against workplace violations in vote of 7-5 on Wednesday, with one vote outstanding. LD 1711, “An Act To Enhance Enforcement of Employment Laws” expands public enforcement […]