AUGUSTA– Last week, the Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry voted to support two proposals from Senate President Jackson, D-Allagash, to strengthen protections of loggers and haulers in Maine. LD 1849, An Act to Ensure Fair and Timely Payment in the Harvesting of Forest Products and LD 1874 An Act to Support Maine Loggers’ and Truckers’ Right to Work in Maine by Improving Labor Standards, both address concerns from loggers and haulers in District 1.
“Ensuring that loggers are treated and compensated fairly is the reason I first ran for office. As a state, we must ensure that the workers who are the very foundation of Maine’s forest products industry are respected- whether that’s in regards to safety and working conditions or in receiving fair and timely payment,” said Pres. Jackson. “LD 1849 and LD 1874 each are straightforward ways to ensure that the rules people and businesses are already expected to play by are enforced: that means that people are paid fairly, and that the voices and rights of workers are valued.”
As amended, LD 1849 would require contractors to be paid within 30 days of delivered wood being prepared for hauling or being prepared at roadside. LD 1874 would prohibit the State of Maine from obtaining forest certifications for state land that do not have explicit labor standards for member organizations. President Jackson put both bills forward in response to his own experiences and concerns brought forward by constituents in Aroostook County.